I'm not totally sure I deserved it with the way I often neglect my blog (such is life as a college student) but my Aunt Nancy got this award and passed it on to me. You should visit her blog its full of lots of recipes that one day I would like to try. Thank you very much Auntie! The "One Lovely Blog Award" isn't meant to stop in one place so here are a few of my blogger friends who I've passed it on to. Hopefully they too will pass it on! Thank you all for sharing yourselves with the world :)
With that in mind here are my lovely blog choices:
Nicole at http://backatheranch.blogspot.com/
Nona at http://nonapearl.blogspot.com/
Aaron at http://www.aaronsbooth32.blogspot.com/
Jena at http://livelovelaughscrapbook.blogspot.com/
Erin at http://erincobb.com/ThePigBear/
Karen at http://karenrussell.typepad.com/my_lifejust_not_on_the_ro/
Lucy at http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/
Mean Mommy at http://themeanestmom.blogspot.com/
I hope you enjoy some of my very favorite blogs.