Today is Mememorial Day. Please join me in saying a small prayer for all of our soldiers, whether you agree with the war we fight or not, our soldiers deserve all the support they can get. I have a favorite quote it is from Robert Schuller Sr. He says it durring his broadcasts every week. I beleive it goes "May the Lord bless you and keep you in your comings in and your goings out." It just hits something with me. My brother, husband and I all served in the Army and we were all stationed at Fort Campbell, KY durring the Septemeber 11th, 2001 attacks. I sent my husband and brother to both Afghanistan and Iraq, it never gets easier being alone worrying for your soldier, so I ask as a friend, if you know someone whose soldier is gone right now, please invite them over for dinner or something help take their minds off of everything for a while. God Bless everyone. Blessings to my friends who served, and are still serving, LT. Spencer Beaty, SPC Michelle Thomas, SGT Marshal Thomas, SPC Andrew Hood, SPC Zorran Kolic, SPC Kyle Begay, SFC Johnson, 1SG Johnson, SPC Davida (?), SPC Ana Gonzalez, SPC Tonya (?) and my other friends and famliy from Fort Campbell, and Fort Jackson.
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