Friday, June 6, 2008

New toys!

Today I got some new toys in the mail. They weren't even supposed to be here until Monday. I am so happy but of course I am at work and cannot play with them right now. I got three of the fairy stamps from Bella's and three sentiments. I will try to play with them when I get home tonight, but we shall see. I get off at 2am tonight and have to be back at work at 3pm tomorrow. Ugg. Can't be helped unfortunately, the hotel is so short staffed right now it is ridiculous. Hopefully I will have somethings to show soon. Leslie


Sandra said...

I love when my UPS man pulls up to my house and delivers me some new goodies!!!
Sandra Tejeda
CTMH sister

Nicole said...

Where are you Les!?!? You are behind!!! Where are your cute creations to share?? Are you alive girl?
