Monday, November 24, 2008

Just a little update

In my last post I told you about falling down the stairs. Well I called the advice nurse for the VA and she told me to go ahead and get seen at the emergency room. So my mom and I drove down to Salt Lake and went to the emergency room. The wait wasn't as bad as it sometimes is, thankfully! The doctor wanted to have me get into a gown but when he pulled the gown out there was some really wierd snaps that we couldn't figure out so instead, we went with a sheet, it was kind of funny really. The verdict is that I pulled/bruised some muscles in my thigh but I didn't rip anything or break any bones (I didn't think I had broke anything.) So he gave me some prescriptions for anti-inflamitories, pain killers and muscle relaxers. I am at work trying desperately not to fall asleep. The doctor offered me a work excuse, but I am the back up night auditor, and the regular night auditor went on vaction this morning so there wasn't any point. We just don't have anybody trained/willing to take over, and truth be told, I don't mind. Eight days of night auditor pay will be very welcome to pay for new toys from the new Idea Book which will be coming out soon, and for Christmas pressents. I think I know what I am getting everyone but my husband for Christmas. I just don't know what to get Zorro, maybe a gift certificate to NewEgg, or another computer supply store. Have a great day, and be careful on the stairs!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Twilight Movie

My mom and I went to see Twilight yesterday with several friends. It was great. We (mom and I) decided that we wanted to see it again so with a short break for dinner, and to purchase an ace bandage since I was a klutz(more on that in a second)we went back to see it again. The first time we saw it at The District in Salt Lake the second time we saw it at The Jordan Landing theater. There is a huge difference and I found myself distracted and almost bored at the second theater. They still had the air conditioner on there was less the 30 people in that showing but the air was set at like 55-60 degrees, and it was stinking cold! Also the screens are dim I was really disappointed. I now remember that it was really dim the last time I watched a movie there. There is a scene where you can see the clouds rolling in and forming, but on that screen it just looked like a pretty picture because there was no definition and the contrast was way too low.

For those of you who know me, you know that I have foot problems. Well becuase of those my right ankle is really pretty weak. In the last 4 years I have managed to fall down the stairs probably about 10 times. My ankle will just suddenly turn under (it almost seems to fold) and I will be sliding down the stairs. It's really not very fun, but it's only been bad enough for me to need crutches once, but I always need to brace my ankle for a couple of days. Last night I fell down the stairs in the movie theater before the movie even started. It was awesome, at the time the only thing that hurt was my ankle, so we just planned on stopping to get an ace bandage after the movie got out. Which we did, and I kept it wrapped up all night long. Well after we got home and I had relaxed for a while I realized that I have managed to pull something in my left leg when I fell. It just plain hurts. around my knee, in my thigh and in my hip.

Oh well, life is an adventure. Have you seen Twilight yet, did you do anything goofy while you were there? Drop me a little note and tell me what you think!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Craft Fair

So Nicole called me tonight to see if I wanted to take a table at a craft fair. I tld her I would so now I have to figure out what I am doing and order accordingly. Any suggestions? I am currently thinking some notecards, and Christmas cards, notebooks, daily planners and post-it note holders. Also since I crochet pretty well I think I will do some dishclothes, potholders, and dish towels. I also have some stamps that I either have duplicates or, bought but don't use I will probably have those available as well.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's been a while

So I was told my Nicole today that I need to update my blog (the or esle was not specifically noted but...) so look Nicole I updated aren't you so very proud of me? Hee hee, sorry I have been busy finishing and sending out swaps and I have to redo a second one that managed to get lost in the mail. I got my Christmas card swap back they were all beautifully done I was so happy. Sometimes you get a couple of things in a swap that aren't what you were hoping for and you end up very disappointed. Not this time. I have even managed to sign, and partially address them. Yay! go me!

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I have I already have one of my mom's Christmas pressents and I just purchased a couple of things for my brother. My brother Andrew is very talented he has taught himself to play the guitar in the last couple of years, and loves to draw. He draws mainly anime, but he is very good at it. Does anyone know where I could get a book or dvd on drawing anime or maybe even comic books? I think he would enjoy finding something like that under the Christmas tree. I still haven't even got a clue as to what to get my husband for Christmas. It will have to be something he won't think of because he has a habit of telling me not to get something for him. We haven't even been shopping recently so I can't use my usual tricks of watching him browse to figure out what he would like. Maybe I will get him a magazine subscription, just for the heck of it. Anyone have any suggestions for a 30 something husband who likes to tinker with cars, and computers?

Oh well maybe next time I update I will have my new markers and some artwork to share. I hope this is a long enough update for you Nicole! Just kidding you know I love you and your munchkins too.
