Saturday, February 26, 2011
A new project
So I've been thinking for a while now about knitting myself a sweater. I have put around 20 or so sweater patterns on my Ravelry favorites list. But about a month ago I saw this pattern and fell in love. I bought the yarn and am now 18 rows into what will be my first handmade sweater. Hopefully it will go well and fairly quickly so that I can wear it before sweaters are no longer needed. Otherwise I might have to wait until this fall. Here are a few pictures of my progress, the yarn is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Lullaby.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Snow and a finished project
Its snowing today, and the snow is rummored to continue for the rest of the weekend. Before I went to bed last night around 3am there was no snow on the ground of falling from the sky. When I got up this morning around 11:30am there was several inches, and maintence was scraping the parking lot. Last night we were only supposed to get 10-18 inches this weekend. Now however they are saying 12-22. Well darn it I guess I'll just have to stay inside and knit. Here are some pictures from about 3:30 this afternoon.
I finished my Ulmus shawl this week, I absolutely love it. When I first pulled it off the needles I was afraid I would have to give it to my niece as it seemed so small, but with a soaking and a good overnight blocking it grew to be a perfect size. I am planning to make another soon which will also include some beadwork as well. Here are a few pre-blocking pictures of it.
The last picture was taken durring blocking. I can't help but love it. I am so excited to wear it out this summer.
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
I grew up in Arizona, I don't know if I ever mentioned that before on this blog. I remember many school field trips to various amazing sites. Among the ones that really stand out in my memory are trips to Tuizgoot and Montezuma's Castle. Although Montezuma's Well is relatively close to the Castle I don't think I've ever been there before. My hubby has never been to any of the wonders that Arizona has to offer so a couple of weeks ago we got in the car and took a trip to Tuzigoot. I got to try out my new camera while I was at it. I love my new camera. I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of Tuzigoot with you. The last picture is of some of the surrounding mountains around Tuzigoot, and the storm that was blowing in at the time. I love how much of the sky you can see in Arizona.
Have a great week!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Current works in progress
I seem to have quite a few projects on my needles right now. I am also attempting my first KAL (knit-a-long) its with the Sunshine Yarnies group on Ravelry.
This is Ulmus in Swedish Short Snout, and Edwards Volvo colorways by Sunshine Yarns. If you haven't experienced Dani's amazing colors you should go visit her website.
This project another shawl has been on my needles for a very long time poor thing. I love the pattern but the repeats are starting to make me crazy. This is Percy Shawl in lilac Malbrigio.
I have a few other porjects in the works: I need to cast on for a mate to a pair of socks for my friend Rebecca. I want to get a pair of socks made for Theresa's birthday later this month. We'll see what happens.
Have a great day!
Friday, February 4, 2011
So many projects so few updates....
Have a great day! ~Leslie
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